Text Neck Treatment at Premier Chiropractic & Wellness

Text neck is quickly becoming a common condition in today’s technology-heavy world. Text neck can significantly impact your ability to work or enjoy hobbies since it causes immense neck pain and stiffness. Fortunately, chiropractic care from Premier Chiropractic & Wellness in Manhattan, KS, can provide neck pain treatment and improve your neck’s flexibility. Our team is here to tell you what text neck is and how our chiropractor can treat it.

What Is Text Neck?

Text neck often occurs due to poor posture when texting or looking down at your smartphone. Your head weighs an average of 10-12 points when in a neutral position. Leaning your head adds 10 pounds of pressure to your neck, causing posture issues that result in neck pain and stiffness. Repetitive stress on your head and neck can cause muscle strain and misalignments. You may also have a limited range of motion in the neck. Other symptoms of text neck include pain in your shoulders and upper back, headaches, and breathing problems.

Chiropractic Treatment for Text Neck

Your chiropractor near me can provide customized text neck treatment that alleviates your unique symptoms. Your chiropractor can incorporate one or multiple of the following techniques to give you long-lasting relief:

  • Chiropractic Adjustments: Chiropractic adjustments are the most common treatment for text neck. Your chiropractor will use gentle thrusts and pressure to correct misaligned vertebrae. Doing this can improve your posture, alleviate pain, and reduce headaches.
  • Massage Therapy: Massage therapy can also help relieve text neck symptoms. Text neck often causes muscle tension in your neck and shoulders. Massage can alleviate this tension, increase blood flow, and reduce inflammation.
  • Lifestyle Advice: Your chiropractor can give you lifestyle advice to reduce your risk of developing text neck. This advice may include less screen time, posture screenings, and beginning an exercise regimen.
  • Therapeutic Exercises: Your chiropractor may also recommend therapeutic exercises to treat the neck. These exercises can improve flexibility, strengthen weak muscles, and relieve neck pain.

Get Text Neck Treatment at Your Chiropractor Near Me in Manhattan, KS

Text neck can cause multiple frustrating symptoms that impact your day-to-day life, so contact Premier Chiropractic & Wellness in Manhattan, KS, to get the text neck treatment necessary to feel like yourself again. We can provide long-lasting neck pain treatment that significantly improves your health and wellness, so call us and schedule a consultation today at (785) 320-5300.


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